Beta Development Day 4 + Alpha2.0

Starting for real

the game has been in integration limbo for 5 days now, and is finally showing results. after those days of crunch and balancing work and coding I managed to get the basic version of the game to function properly.

the most important part was to guarantee that everything is rendered into the screen, and that values of important things are being displayed.


because rituals are on the field but should be viewed properly(not 100% correct as enemy rituals should not display the actual card) I used Card Render to show them and added a counter indicator for the turns.

positioning took a bit, and with some resizing and additional work I got:

Online Play

the game has reintroduced online play, and added the "Play Vs AI" feature I use for testing.

it displays a "WAIT FOR OPPONENT" message when it's the opponent's turn to make an action.


I finally managed to render combat correctly and it'll also feature some introductory UI for the mouse controls when they will be implemented

Currently attacking creatures have a half circle on the side facing your opponent:

a blocking creature is connected via a line to the attacking creature, and on combat resolution you can see the order of blocking creatures to be able to reorganize them.

What is left to do?

from post-Alpha everything is done:

  • Render Counters(Special Counters On Creatures and Turn Counters on Rituals).
  • Render Rituals
  • Enemy Rituals Render - only Ritual Type and Counters (you should not be able to know what ritual your enemy set up before they cast it, but you should know its type and the counters on it)
  • Render Attacker and Blocker Indicators(simple line?  value in blocker stack?)

for Beta 0.5:

  • Player Target Area(so you can click on player)
  • Highlight Origin/Target
  • OnClick commands
  • pass command button + key
  • Render Target Indicators
  • Render card backs for Decks and Enemy Hand.
  • Mundane Blitz/Swarm AI.
  • refine player ID class.
  • Make Online Play work again.
  • Chat?

so there is some work to be done before Beta 0.5, where the game finally transition completely out of Alpha into Beta and starts resembling the features I want to have on release.


FundamentalsCardGameAlpha2.0 x64.rar 1.5 MB
Nov 22, 2023

Get Fundamentals Card Game

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