Beta Development: Militia Man AI

Beta 0.2 - Militia Man

the new beta update "Militia Man" includes the new AI opponent with the same nickname.

a very simple AI to play against, uses a deck of 30 Militia, this opponent is going to spam creatures on the field till it runs out of energy and attack with everything it got.

it's easy to defeat with any blocking but careless players can still lose to the Militia avalanche.

Variants include mixing Militia and Thugs, and will also include other 1 cost attack focused creatures in the future, this new AI opponent is the first step towards the more complex opponents that you will face in the later stages of the Beta.

From Basic AI to GrandMaster

in order to code things in a more sensible way I created the "BasicAgent" class that handles 2 things:

  • ask AI what deck it will use.
  • ask AI to make a move based on the current state of the game.

the state includes all the data that would be available to a player in that position and does not include hidden data like opponent's hand(only card count).

Deck Editor

I will still be working on making the GUI for the Deck Editor so you can go ahead and make your own decks to fight the AI, the main thing I'll be prioritizing is saving the last used deck and loading it on game start, after that will be getting a proper deck editor that just lets you add and remove cards from your deck, swap deck files, everything is currently on the back end on that front and is progressing slowly as I focus more on the AI.


MilitiaMan Update is currently including 1 AI opponent with 3 decks and is playable.

I did find some bugs regarding combat triggers(Guard not surviving Thug's attack probably due to not triggering the guarding boost, and Thug getting combat boost on being blocked) I will solve those by the next update.


Fundamentals CCG Beta 0.2.1.rar 1.5 MB
Nov 24, 2023

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